t e s t i m o n y


Welcome to The 6th Gear

My Background

Hey! It’s me, Anna. I’d like to introduce myself a bit more so that you know who I am and why this platform is so important to me. I’m a chemist by trade and a U.S. Naval Officer by title. I want to use my knowledge in science and my background in leadership to promote health and wellness in my community.

I spent the past 3 years onboard a U.S. Navy Destroyer. I like to describe it as “the best time I never want to have again.” There were a lot of amazing experiences (shout out to the best, Deck Division!), but there were also a lot of hard things about the Navy. I struggled immensely towards the end of my active duty time. I was not taking proper care of myself, and the mental, physical, and spiritual health aspects of my life all suffered because of it. 

My Transition

My path in the Navy was not particularly “normal,” but as a woman of faith I trusted that this was God’s plan for my life. Once I transitioned into the Reserves, I was able to fully focus on healing. I restored my mental, physical, and spiritual health, and I share some of these practices in my blog posts!

The Lord is faithful and because of what I experienced in the Navy I now feel passionately called to share my story and to share tangible ways to seek a better, more fulfilled life. 

My Mission

So how does this all tie together?

“Find your 6th gear” is something I started saying a few years ago to motivate myself to always be reaching for my best, to go the distance. Similar to the mechanics in a standard car, we have to start in 1st gear and work our way up to 6th gear. These topics are intended to help you start accelerating your life. Whatever gear you’re in, I’m with you along for the ride.

I think we can agree that we are all called to serve in some capacity, so let’s start by taking care of ourselves and then expanding to take care of others. That’s what finding your 6th gear is all about! 

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us” Hebrews 12:1 ESV